Fall LookBook OOTD #1: "Let The Games Begin"

For those of you who missed the intro VIDEO, I would highly suggest going and watching that because this Fall there is a twist to all of the LookBook OOTDs.  In a nutshell, one piece from every outfit will roll over to the next in an effort to reinforce the point that the average woman's wardrobe should be versatile and it's inevitable that pieces will get worn more than once.  I'm just finally showing you exactly how to do that. 

In the look that I sported today, we are playing with Denim on Denim.  I think women get intimidated by a "jeans with jeans" look because they don't want to look like Brittany Spears and Justin Timberlake circa the 2001 AMAs....yikes.  Don't worry though, there is a way to rock this trend and look like you fit into 2013. 

For the very first Fall LookBook OOTD I decided to throw on my cute little denim dress that you previously saw in my Memorial Day LookBook.  To bring a double denim look current, and for anyone who is new to experiementing with this, just add a white denim jacket on top.  If you do this, you're outfit starts to just look like cute white outerwear, with a nice blue dress.....so you won't have people staring at you on the streets like Brittany and J.T! I mean come on guys, a denim cowboy hat and denim clutch? Anyways, since blues have already been seen everywhere for Fall, I added this cute ikat-esque print scarf that I got from Target a while back.  All these rich blue and white patterned everything were all over the place for spring and summer, so it's a great way to get use out of those pieces you may have stoked up on, but one season later.  For shoes, since it is JUST NOW starting to cool down, I wore these adorable cognac platforms with a cork wedge because rich cognac brown and deep blue we're made for each other, they're soul mates, they will never separate...you get my point.  To top of my look, I added these cute shell earrings with gold medallions, and my tortoise shell watch. ¡VoilĂ !

I hope you all enjoyed this look! Just a little something to remember though...the looks that are rolling over one piece into the next are STRICTLY the "Fall LookBook OOTD #_" articles.  In between them I will be posting other looks, How To, Pin-Spired and random extras, so don't get confused :) 

To see what piece from this look I will be re-wearing and styling in a completely different way, make sure to keep checking back daily for new articles. I am posting a lot more frequently and consistently now! To make sure you don't miss anything, "Like" the All Size Fits One Facebook page and support curvy fashionistas everywhere.  

Thank You so much for stopping by today! Love you all! 
 Stay Stylish