Pin-spired OOTD: The Domino Effect

So I was on Pinterest looking for an outfit for this Pinspired article when I found this picture.  Today we are working with an outfit that someone somewhere put together, not a look on a real woman. All the pieces from this look were so freakishly close to items I already owned that I purposefully swapped out solid mint pants for polka dot ones, so I didn't feel like I was straight up copying.  

For this first look, well, I am wearing exactly what's in the picture.  The polka dot pants and my denim shirt are from this little store that some of you may have heard's called Target. My boots are old, and I have gotten so much use out of them I actually need ot replace them soon because they are falling apart.  I got them on which was bought out by Amazon. The scarf I snagged for a great deal at Marshalls, and I topped up the look some Ebay earrings to match the scarf.  The last time you saw them I was wearing green shorts and a screen tee.....remember

So I loved this look and all, I was trying it on at home before I shot it and then I got jealous of this random Pinterest picture.  I mean, I already had all the items in this look, yet I never thought of putting them together in the same outfit....and I probably never would have had I not found this collage.  Then, it hit me.....

I love this combo of mint and cogac with denim and floral print, so what else can I create with that combo?  I started pulling everything out of my closet that fit the bill and suddenly paired some of those pieces to come up with this.  The denim shirt from above transitioned into plain jeans.  My mint skinnys became mint in the form of Chuck Taylors.  The floral scarf was now this mirrored floral blouse, and the cognac boots looked great as a leather jacket instead.  See? 

 So ladies, if you are new to the fashion community, a great way to find your own look is to start with copying.  Copy someone elses look (and make sure to give them credit) then find the things you like about that look and put it together your own way.  Whether you like the prints, patterns, fabric, or colors....see what your mind can do and express yourself through an amazing outfit.  

Thanks for reading today!
Stay stylish